Saturday, May 10, 2008


Sternberg states: “There is reason to believe that environments that are both demanding and supportive are more conducive to the development of creativity than those that have much of one of these characteristics but little of the other”. There needs to be motivation, discipline and a positive atmosphere for a child to feel comfortable enough to learn and discover their true creative potential.

Nickerson, R.S. (1999). Enhancing Creativity. In Sternberg, R.J. (Ed.) Handbook of Creativity, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 407 – 421

In Module 11, Professor Gallo describes Environments that Promote Creativity:
  1. "Value Originality"
  2. "Respect and reward the individuals who produce unusual ideas and innovations"
  3. "Provide opportunities, requests, and rewards for originality"
She also discusses how to Promote Imagination in Learning Environments:
  1. "A balance between freedom and responsibility"
  2. "A balance between perseverance and flexibility"
  3. "Room for spontaneity and self set goals"
The Ideal Environment Should:
  1. "Support the individual's trust in his or herself as a source of originality"
  2. "Convey unconditional respect for the individual and his or her ideas"
  3. "Invite active participation"
  4. "Foster curiosity"
  5. "Foster intrinsic motivation"
  6. "Integrate work and play by offering open-ended tasks"
Delores Gallo-Powerpoint presentation for Module 11, CRCRTH 602 Creative Thinking, UMB Spring 2008

Suggested music: Indigo Dreams- Real techniques for real people feeling stress & anxiety

"Empowering you to be an active participant in creating a healthy, calm, peaceful life."

Includes: Intro, Affirmations, Breathing, Visualizations, Muscular Relaxation, and Indigo Dreams Soundtrack

Suggested Readings: "Indigo Adults" by Kabir Jaffe & Ritama Davidson

This book is geared towards people who are visionary & creative, progressive and independent. The Indigo adult carries a new way of thinking and feeling that holds great promise for the future.

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